
LR Slurry Pump Wear Parts

Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa

Mofuta oa L-Type Slurry Pump impeller

LR Slurry Pump Likarolo tsa1 LR Slurry Pump Likarolo tsa2 LR Slurry Pump Likarolo tsa3

Likarolo tse metsi tsa rabara li na le khanyetso e kholo ea ho roala le ho hanyetsa kutu, hangata li sebelisetsoa maemo a sebetsang a acid.Joalo ka mohatla indastering ea merafo, slurry e nang le likaroloana tse nyane mme ha e na mephetho e thata.Karolo eohle ea phalliso e kenyelletsa Cover Plate Liner, Throat bushing, Frame plate liner, Frame Plate Liner Insert.
Thepa ea rabara eo re e sebelisitseng e na le khanyetso e phahameng ho feta lisebelisoa tse ling tsohle lits'ebetsong tse ntle tsa particle slurry.Li-antioxidants le li-anti-degradants tse sebelisoang linthong tsa rona li ntlafalitsoe ho ntlafatsa bophelo ba polokelo le ho fokotsa ho senyeha nakong ea tšebeliso.Khanyetso e phahameng ea khoholeho e fanoa ke ho kopana ha matla a eona a phahameng, matla a phahameng a tsitsipano le boima bo tlaase ba lebōpo.
Li-Rubber Pump Liners - Li-liner tse ka nkeloang sebaka habonolo li koetsoe ka liboutu, ha li khomaretsoe, ka har'a casing bakeng sa ho hokelloa hantle le ho li hlokomela habonolo.Li-liner tsa tšepe tse thata li feto-fetoha ka ho feletseng le li-elastomer tse entsoeng ka khatello.Setiiso sa Elastomer se khutlisetsa manonyeletso ohle a liner.
Re motlotlo ho etsa likarolo tsa pompo ea boleng bo holimo ea rabara le likarolo tse ling tse nchafalitsoeng bakeng sa baetsi ba bang ba tummeng ba pompo, e leng 100% REVERSE INTERCHANGEABLE.

LR Slurry Pump Likarolo tsa4

*L-Type Slurry Pumps Impeller Data:

Mohlala Impeller khoutu Lisebelisoa tsa rabara Boima ba sehlahisoa (KG)
20A-LR 175052 R26, R55, R33, S01, S10, S12, S31, S42 0.9
50B-LR 32052 R26, R55, R33, S01, S10, S12, S31, S42 2.3
75C-LR 43052 R26, R55, R33, S01, S10, S12, S31, S42 6.1
100D-LR 64114 R26, R55, R33, S01, S10, S12, S31, S42 9.5

* Mofuta oa lisebelisoa tsa rabara le litlhaloso tsa data:

Khoutu Lebitso la thepa Mofuta Tlhaloso
R26 Anti-thermalRabara e senyehileng  Rabara ea Tlhaho R26 ke rabara e ntšo, e bonolo ea tlhaho.E na le khanyetso e phahameng ea khoholeho ho lisebelisoa tse ling tsohle lits'ebetsong tse ntle tsa particle slurry.Li-antioxidants le li-anti-degradants tse sebelisoang ho RU26 li ntlafalitsoe ho ntlafatsa bophelo ba polokelo le ho fokotsa ho senyeha nakong ea tšebeliso.Khanyetso e phahameng ea khoholeho ea RU26 e fanoa ke ho kopana ha matla a eona a phahameng, matla a phahameng a tsitsipano le boima bo tlaase ba Shore.
R33 Rabara ea Tlhaho(Bonolo)  Rabara ea Tlhaho YR33 ke rabara e ntšo ea tlhaho ea boemo bo holimo ea boima bo tlase, 'me e sebelisetsoa leholiotsoana le li-pump liner le li-impellers moo thepa ea eona e phahameng ea 'mele e fanang ka khanyetso e eketsehileng ho li-slurries tse thata, tse bohale.
R55 Anti-thermalRabara ea Tlhaho  Rabara ea Tlhaho YR55 ke rabara ea tlhaho e ntšo, e Anti-corrosive.E na le khanyetso e phahameng ea khoholeho ho lisebelisoa tse ling tsohle lits'ebetsong tse ntle tsa particle slurry.
S01 EPDM Rabara Synthetic Elastomer  
S12 Rabara ea Nitrile Synthetic Elastomer Elastomer YS12 ke rabara ea maiketsetso eo hangata e sebelisoang lits'ebetsong tse kenyelletsang mafura, oli le boka.S12 e na le khanyetso ea khoholeho e itekanetseng.
S31 ChlorosulfonatedPolyethylene (Hypalon)  Synthetic Elastomer YS31 ke elastomer e thibelang oxidation le mocheso.E na le tekanyo e ntle ea ho hanyetsa lik'hemik'hale ho li-acids le li-hydrocarbon tse peli.
S42 Polychloroprene (Neoprene) Synthetic Elastomer Polychloroprene (Neoprene) ke elastomer e matla ea maiketsetso e nang le thepa e matla e tlase hanyane ho feta rabara ea tlhaho.Ha e amehe haholo ke mocheso ho feta rabara ea tlhaho, 'me e na le boemo ba leholimo bo botle le ho hanyetsa ozone.E boetse e bonts'a khanyetso e ntle ea oli.

L-Mofuta oa Slurry Pump Frame Plate Liner

 LR Slurry Pump Likarolo tsa5 LR Slurry Pump Likarolo tsa6 LR Slurry Pump likarolo7

Lithapo tsa rabara tsa pompo ke likarolo tse metsi ka har'a lipompo tsa rabara tse nang le rabara tse tsamaisang li-slurry ho ea pompong.
Boholo ba lipompo tsa rabara tse nang le rabara li sebelisa li-rabara tse arohaneng tsa mofuta oa rabara, e 'ngoe ke li-plate liner,' me e 'ngoe ke sekoaelo sa poleiti, sebopeho sena se etselitsoe ho etsa hore ho be bonolo ho nkela sebaka.
Lithapo tsa rona tsa rabara tsa pompo ea slurry hangata li entsoe ka rabara ea tlhaho ea R55 e fanang ka bophelo ba ts'ebeletso ea makhetlo a 1.5 ea rabara e tloaelehileng ea liner R26.


Mohlala Impeller khoutu Lisebelisoa tsa rabara Boima ba sehlahisoa (KG)
20A-LR 175036 R26, R55, R33, S01, S10, S12, S31, S42 0.8
50B-LR 32036 R26, R55, R33, S01, S10, S12, S31, S42 2.2
75C-LR 43036 R26, R55, R33, S01, S10, S12, S31, S42 5.9
100D-LR 64036 R26, R55, R33, S01, S10, S12, S31, S42 8
150E-LR 86036 R26, R55, R33, S01, S10, S12, S31, S42 15.6

Likarolo tse metsi tsa rabara li na le khanyetso e kholo ea ho roala le ho hanyetsa kutu, hangata li sebelisetsoa maemo a sebetsang a acid.Joalo ka mohatla indastering ea merafo, slurry e nang le likaroloana tse nyane mme ha e na mephetho e thata.Karolo eohle ea phalliso e kenyelletsa Cover Plate Liner, Throat bushing, Frame plate liner, Frame Plate Liner Insert.
Thepa ea rabara eo re e sebelisitseng e na le khanyetso e phahameng ho feta lisebelisoa tse ling tsohle lits'ebetsong tse ntle tsa particle slurry.Li-antioxidants le li-anti-degradants tse sebelisoang linthong tsa rona li ntlafalitsoe ho ntlafatsa bophelo ba polokelo le ho fokotsa ho senyeha nakong ea tšebeliso.Khanyetso e phahameng ea khoholeho e fanoa ke ho kopana ha matla a eona a phahameng, matla a phahameng a tsitsipano le boima bo tlaase ba lebōpo.
Li-Rubber Pump Liners - Li-liner tse ka nkeloang sebaka habonolo li koetsoe ka liboutu, ha li khomaretsoe, ka har'a casing bakeng sa ho hokelloa hantle le ho li hlokomela habonolo.Li-liner tsa tšepe tse thata li feto-fetoha ka ho feletseng le li-elastomer tse entsoeng ka khatello.Setiiso sa Elastomer se khutlisetsa manonyeletso ohle a liner.

Re motlotlo ho etsa likarolo tsa pompo ea boleng bo holimo ea rabara le likarolo tse ling tse nchafalitsoeng bakeng sa baetsi ba bang ba tummeng ba pompo, e leng 100% REVERSE INTERCHANGEABLE.


● Kaho e boima e nang le moralo oa "bolt" e fana ka tlhokomelo habonolo 'me e etsa hore nako e fokotsehe
● Mokelikeli oa tšepe o nang le ductile ka botlalo o fana ka nako e telele, matla le bophelo bo bolelele ba tšebeletso
● Bophahamo bo boholo, ho phethoha butle, li-impellers tse sebetsang hantle haholo (ho fihla ho 90%+) li fella ka bophelo bo phahameng ba ho khathala le litšenyehelo tse tlase tsa ts'ebetso.
● Liphasejene tse khōlō, tse bulehileng ka hare li fokotsa lebelo la ka hare, e leng se etsang hore ho be le litšenyehelo tse tlaase tsa ho sebetsa
● Li-elastomer tse teteaneng kapa li-bolt-in liner li fana ka matla a phahameng a ho thibela kutu, 'me li fana ka boiketlo ba ho fetola liner le ho kopanya ha tsona ho fokotsa litšenyehelo tsa ho e lokisa le ho eketsa nako ea ho sebetsa.
● E etselitsoe mesebetsi e boima ha e ntse e fana ka katleho e phahameng
● Minimal shaft / impeller overhang e fokotsa ho kheloha ha shaft le ho eketsa bophelo ba ho paka
● Kopano e behang cartridge e lumella ho boloka tikoloho e hloekileng ntle le ho tlosoa ha pompo, ho fella ka ts'ebetso e tšepahalang le bophelo bo bolelele ba ho beleha.
● Likhetho tsa kopano ea mafura kapa oli li fana ka tlhokomelo habonolo le ho fokotsa nako
● The flush gland, low flow, le dry running centrifugal seal li fokotsa ts'ebeliso ea metsi a hlatsoang li fokotsa litšenyehelo tsa ts'ebetso ea pompo.
● Mechini ea litiiso e fokotsa tšebeliso ea metsi a hlatsoang e fokotsa litšenyehelo tsa ho sebetsa ha pompo
● Li-elastomer kapa li-alloys tse sa khoneng ho khoholeha li teng ho sebetsana le lintho tse thata tse tletseng le/kapa li-slurries tse senyang.
● Pompo e boima ea slurry bakeng sa lihlooho tse mahareng ho ea tlase
● Sepalangoang se hlephileng


Mohlala Impeller khoutu Lisebelisoa tsa rabara Boima ba sehlahisoa (KG)
20A-LR 175017 R26, R55, R33, S01, S10, S12, S31, S42 1.1
50B-LR 32017 R26, R55, R33, S01, S10, S12, S31, S42 2.1
75C-LR 43017 R26, R55, R33, S01, S10, S12, S31, S42 4.2
100D-LR 64017 R26, R55, R33, S10, S12, S31, S42 7.5
150E-LR 86017 R26, R55, R33, S01, S10, S12, S31, S42 13.8

Mofuta oa L-Type Slurry Pump Cover Plate Liner

LR Slurry Pump Likarolo tsa8 LR Slurry Pump Likarolo tsa9

Likarolo tse metsi tsa rabara li na le khanyetso e kholo ea ho roala le ho hanyetsa kutu, hangata li sebelisetsoa maemo a sebetsang a acid.Joalo ka mohatla indastering ea merafo, slurry e nang le likaroloana tse nyane mme ha e na mephetho e thata.Karolo eohle ea phalliso e kenyelletsa Cover Plate Liner, Throat bushing, Frame plate liner, Frame Plate Liner Insert.
Thepa ea rabara eo re e sebelisitseng e na le khanyetso e phahameng ho feta lisebelisoa tse ling tsohle lits'ebetsong tse ntle tsa particle slurry.Li-antioxidants le li-anti-degradants tse sebelisoang linthong tsa rona li ntlafalitsoe ho ntlafatsa bophelo ba polokelo le ho fokotsa ho senyeha nakong ea tšebeliso.Khanyetso e phahameng ea khoholeho e fanoa ke ho kopana ha matla a eona a phahameng, matla a phahameng a tsitsipano le boima bo tlaase ba lebōpo.
Li-Rubber Pump Liners - Li-liner tse ka nkeloang sebaka habonolo li koetsoe ka liboutu, ha li khomaretsoe, ka har'a casing bakeng sa ho hokelloa hantle le ho li hlokomela habonolo.Li-liner tsa tšepe tse thata li feto-fetoha ka ho feletseng le li-elastomer tse entsoeng ka khatello.Setiiso sa Elastomer se khutlisetsa manonyeletso ohle a liner.

Re motlotlo ho etsa likarolo tsa pompo ea boleng bo holimo ea rabara le likarolo tse ling tse nchafalitsoeng bakeng sa baetsi ba bang ba tummeng ba pompo, e leng 100% REVERSE INTERCHANGEABLE.


Mohlala Impeller khoutu Lisebelisoa tsa rabara Boima ba Sehlahiswa (KG)
20A-LR 175017 R26, R55, R33, S01, S10, S12, S31, S42 1.1
50B-LR 32017 R26, R55, R33, S01, S10, S12, S31, S42 2.1
75C-LR 43017 R26, R55, R33, S01, S10, S12, S31, S42 4.2
100D-LR 64017 R26, R55, R33, S01, S10, S12, S31, S42 7.5
150E-LR 86017 R26, R55, R33, S01, S10, S12, S31, S42 13.8


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  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe:

  • Ngola molaetsa wa hao mona mme o re romele wona

    Lihlopha tsa lihlahisoa