
Likarolo tsa SPR Slurry Pump

Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa

SPR Slurry Pump Casing

 SPR Slurry Pump Parts1 SPR Slurry Pump Parts2 

Rubber Slurry Pump Body (Casing) e ka fapanyetsanoang le Warman SPR series Rubber Vertical Slurry Pumps
Re fana ka mefuta e fapaneng ea casing ea rabara, e le hore bareki ba ka kenya kopo libakeng tse sa tšoaneng tse rarahaneng.

SPR Slurry Pump Parts4SPR Slurry Pump Parts5


Khoutu Lebitso la thepa Mofuta Tlhaloso
YR26 Anti-thermalRabara e senyehileng  Rabara ea Tlhaho YR26 ke rabara e ntšo, e bonolo ea tlhaho.E na le khanyetso e phahameng ea khoholeho ho lisebelisoa tse ling tsohle ka lits'ebetso tse ntle tsa particle slurry.Li-antioxidants le li-anti-degradants tse sebelisoang ho RU26 li ntlafalitsoe ho ntlafatsa bophelo ba polokelo le ho fokotsa ho senyeha nakong ea tšebeliso.Khanyetso e phahameng ea khoholeho ea RU26 e fanoa ke ho kopana ha matla a eona a phahameng, matla a phahameng a tsitsipano le boima bo tlaase ba Shore.
YR33 Rabara ea Tlhaho(Bonolo)  Rabara ea Tlhaho YR33 ke rabara e ntšo ea tlhaho ea boemo bo holimo ea boima bo tlase, 'me e sebelisetsoa leholiotsoana le li-pump liner le li-impellers moo thepa ea eona e phahameng ea 'mele e fanang ka khanyetso e eketsehileng ho li-slurries tse thata, tse bohale.
YR55 Anti-thermalRabara ea Tlhaho  Rabara ea Tlhaho YR55 ke rabara ea tlhaho e ntšo, e Anti-corrosive.E na le khanyetso e phahameng ea khoholeho ho lisebelisoa tse ling tsohle ka lits'ebetso tse ntle tsa particle slurry.
YS01 EPDM Rabara Synthetic Elastomer  
YS12 Rabara ea Nitrile Synthetic Elastomer Elastomer YS12 ke rabara ea maiketsetso eo hangata e sebelisoang lits'ebetsong tse kenyelletsang mafura, oli le boka.S12 e na le khanyetso ea khoholeho e itekanetseng.
YS31 ChlorosulfonatedPolyethylene (Hypalon) Synthetic Elastomer YS31 ke elastomer e thibelang oxidation le mocheso.E na le tekanyo e ntle ea ho hanyetsa lik'hemik'hale ho li-acids le li-hydrocarbon tse peli.
YS42 Polychloroprene (Neoprene) Synthetic Elastomer Polychloroprene (Neoprene) ke elastomer e matla ea maiketsetso e nang le thepa e matla e tlase hanyane ho feta rabara ea tlhaho.Ha e amehe haholo ke mocheso ho feta rabara ea tlhaho, 'me e na le boemo ba leholimo bo botle le ho hanyetsa ozone.E boetse e bonts'a khanyetso e ntle ea oli.

Lipompo tse boima tsa SP/SPR tsa Heavy Duty Sump li fumaneha ka mefuta e mengata e fapaneng ea boholo bo tsebahalang ho lumellana le lits'ebetso tse ngata tsa ho pompa.Liketekete tsa lipompo tsena li paka ho ts'epahala le ts'ebetso ea tsona lefats'eng ka bophara ka:
• Ho sebetsa ka liminerale
• Ho lokisetsa mashala
• Ho sebetsana le lik'hemik'hale
• Ho sebetsana le litšila
• Lehlabathe le lehlohlojane
le hoo e ka bang tanka e 'ngoe le e 'ngoe, sekoti kapa lesoba sebakeng sa ho sebetsana le slurry fatše.
Moralo oa SP/SPR o nang le tšepe e thata (SP) kapa lisebelisoa tse koahetsoeng ke elastomer (SPR) o etsa hore e be e loketseng bakeng sa:
• Li-slurries tse senyang le/kapa tse senyang
• Boholo ba likaroloana
• Li-slurries tse nang le matla a mangata
• Ts'ebetso e tsoelang pele kapa ea ho “khohola”
• Mesebetsi e boima e batlang li-cantilever shafts


Mohlala Casing code Lisebelisoa tsa rabara Boima ba Sehlahiswa (KG)
40PV-SPR SPR4092 R26, R55, R33, S01, S10, S12, S31, S42 11.2
65QV-SPR SPR 65092 R26, R55, R33, S01, S10, S12, S31, S42 36.2
100RV-SPR SPR10092 R26, R55, R33, S01, S10, S12, S31, S42 64.6
150SV-SPR SPR15092 R26, R55, R33, S01, S10, S12, S31, S42 120

SPR Slurry Pump Column

 SPR Slurry Pump Parts6 SPR Slurry Pump Parts7 

*Re fana ka litšiea tsa boholo bo fapaneng ho netefatsa hore u ka li sebelisa botebong bofe kapa bofe ba ka tlas'a lefatše
* Ts'ebetso e ikhethileng ea rabara e khomarelang ho kopana le mefuta eohle ea mecha ea litaba ea acid-base
* Flange ea boleng bo holimo, lesoba le tloaelehileng la screw, ho kenya habonolo le ho potlaka ho feta



Mohlala Back Liner khoutu Lisebelisoa tsa rabara Bolelele (MM)
40PV-SPR PVR4102* R26, R55, R33, S01, S10, S12, S31, S42 600.900.1200.1500.1800
65QV-SPR QVR65102* R26, R55, R33, S01, S10, S12, S31, S42 600.900.1200.1500.1800
100RV-SPR RVR10102* R26, R55, R33, S01, S10, S12, S31, S42 600.900.1200.1500.1800
150SV-SPR SPR15102* R26, R55, R33, S01, S10, S12, S31, S42 600.900.1200.1500.1800

SPR Slurry Pump Open Impeller

SPR Slurry Pump Parts9 SPR Slurry Pump Parts10

-Impeller e na le liphaseje tse kholo le tse bulehileng 'me e ka fetisetsa slurry ka katleho, e fana ka tekanyo e ntle ea matla le e tsitsitseng ho finyella ho sisinyeha ho fokolang le lerata le tlaase mosebetsing.
- Mofuta o bulehileng oa impeller o bonts'a ts'ebetso e phahameng 'me ha o ratehe ho apara sebakeng se ka pele.
-Tlhahiso e phahameng, phaello e eketsehileng le tlhokomelo e bonolo
- Li-impeller tse habeli li theha meroalo e tlase ea axial, e eketsang bophelo

 SPR Slurry Pump Parts11


Mohlala Impeller khoutu Lisebelisoa tsa rabara Boima ba Sehlahiswa (KG)
40PV-SPR SPR4206 R26, R55, R33, S01, S10, S12, S31, S42 1.4
65QV-SPR SPR65206A R26, R55, R33, S01, S10, S12, S31, S42 6.2
100RV-SPR SPR10206A R26, R55, R33, S01, S10, S12, S31, S42 13.4
150SV-SPR SPR15206A R26, R55, R33, S01, S10, S12, S31, S42 29

SPR Slurry Pump Discharge Pipe

 SPR Slurry Pump Parts12

*Re fana ka liphaephe tsa ho ntša metsi tsa boholo bo fapaneng ho etsa bonnete ba hore u ka li sebelisa botebong bofe kapa bofe ba ka tlas'a lefatše
* Flange ea boleng bo holimo, lesoba le tloaelehileng la screw, ho kenya habonolo le ho potlaka ho feta
* Ts'ebetso e ikhethileng ea rabara e khomarelang ho kopana le mefuta eohle ea mecha ea litaba ea acid-base

Lipompo tsa mofuta oa SP\SP(R) ke lipompo tse theohileng, tse centrifugal tse kolobisitsoeng ka har'a sump hore li sebetse.Li etselitsoe ho fana ka li-abrasive, particle tse kholo le li-slurries tse phahameng haholo.Lipompompo tsena ha li hloke shaft seal le metsi a koalang.Li ka boela tsa sebetsoa ka mokhoa o tloaelehileng bakeng sa mesebetsi e sa lekaneng ea ho hula.
Likarolo tsohle tsa pompo ea mofuta oa SP(R) e qoetsoeng ka mokelikeli li kentsoe ka rabara.Li loketse ho tsamaisa seretse se nang le likaroloana tse se nang moeli le tse senyang.
Likarolo tse metsi tsa lipompo tsa mofuta oa SP li entsoe ka tšepe e hananang le abrasion.


Mohlala Back Liner khoutu Lisebelisoa tsa rabara Bolelele (MM)
40PV-SPR PVR4154* R26, R55, R33, S01, S10, S12, S31, S42 600, 900, 1200, 1500, 1800
65QV-SPR QVR65154* R26, R55, R33, S01, S10, S12, S31, S42 600, 900, 1200, 1500, 1800
100RV-SPR RVR10154* R26, R55, R33, S01, S10, S12, S31, S42 600, 900, 1200, 1500, 1800
150SV-SPR SPR15154* R26, R55, R33, S01, S10, S12, S31, S42 600, 900, 1200, 1500

SPR Slurry Pump Rubber Back Liner

 SPR Slurry Pump Parts13 SPR Slurry Pump Parts14 SPR Slurry Pump Parts15

Likarolo tsa SPR vertical slurry pump:
1) Tšebeliso e phahameng e sa thibeleng

The impeller e entsoeng ka mokhoa o ikhethileng, e nang le liheke tse peli, mohlala oa ho bula, mochine oa makhasi a mabeli o sebetsa ka mokhoa o phahameng ntle le ho thibela, pompo ea casing joalo-joalo e phalla-ka likarolo tse etselitsoeng ho phethoa ka impeller e ka khethoa ka thepa ea bona le mehlala holim'a lipalangoang mecheng ea litaba 'me e ka etsa bonnete ba hore ho na le ts'ebetso e ntle ea hydraulic le bophelo ba ho sebetsa ha lipalangoang tsa mecha ea phatlalatso e nang le lijo-thollo tse emisitsoeng le likhoele tse telele, tse senyang le tse senyang.

2) E tsitsitseng;E tšoarella ntle le ho thothomela

Pompo ea slurry e otlolohileng e hlophisitsoe ka mokhoa o otlolohileng, mochini oa koloi (setulo sa koloi, clutch, shaft ea koloi, sekontiri se hokelang, se beng) se entsoe ka mokhoa oa modular 'me se ka phahamisoa ho ea ka thato hammoho le phapang ea botebo bo ka tlas'a metsi.Ka bobeli pompo ea casing le impeller li ka behoa tlas'a metsi ka 0.5-10m le enjene ka holim'a metsi, ebe, ka ho hokahanya le mochine oa koloi, e khanna ka ho toba mochine o sa thibeleng hore o tsamaee ka mokhoa o tsitsitseng ntle le ho sisinyeha.

3) Tšebeliso e bonolo;Ho tšoarella nako e telele

Impeller e qoelisoa ka metsing 'me ho bonolo ho e qala.Khabinete e ikemetseng ea taolo ea boemo ba mokelikeli e ka kengoa lintho tse hlokoang ke basebelisi ho fumana boemo ba mokelikeli ho laola lipompo ho qala le ho emisa, ntle le tlhoko ea motho ea khethehileng ea ka li hlokomelang.

Moralo o tiileng o se nang tlhokomelo, ho tiea ho hotle ha shaft ea pompo le rolara e koetsoeng ka botlalo ea mofuta o tummeng.Setlolo se kentsoeng sa mocheso o phahameng se mamellang mafura a tlotsang

*SPR Rubber Lined Vertical Slurry Pumps Back Liner data:

Mohlala Back Liner khoutu Lisebelisoa tsa rabara Boima ba sehlahisoa (KG)
40PV-SPR SPR4041 R26, R55, R33, S01, S10, S12, S31, S42 5.6
65QV-SPR SPR65041 R26, R55, R33, S01, S10, S12, S31, S42 25
100RV-SPR SPR10041 R26, R55, R33, S01, S10, S12, S31, S42 31
150SV-SPR SPR15041 R26, R55, R33, S01, S10, S12, S31, S42 65

SPR Slurry Pump Parts16


Ho beha botebo ho tloha ho 0.9m ho isa ho 2.4m
Concentric casing e fokotsa boima ba shaft holim'a mefuta e mengata ea ts'ebetso mme e fokotsa ho roala
Ho kenya habonolo
Moralo oa Cantilever kahoo ha ho na li-bearings tse ka tlas'a metsi kapa litiiso tsa shaft
Mehaho e nang le cast e fella ka lebelo le phahameng le maemo a tlase a sisinyehang ho feta lisebelisoa tsa khale
E ka omella (ho korotla) khafetsa
Litemana tse kholo tsa impeller li bolela kotsi e fokotsehileng ea ho thibela
Li-inlets tse ka holimo le tse ka tlaase li loketse maemo a snore, ha ho hlokahale hore ho be le priming le ho itšehla thajana
E fumaneha ka sump ea conical e entsoeng esale pele e nang le lisebelisoa tse hloekileng tse potlakileng
Li-strainer tse ka nkeloang sebaka li u lumella ho hlokomela habonolo
Bonolo ba tlhokomelo

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  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe:

  • Ngola molaetsa wa hao mona mme o re romele wona